
Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Full Day

    The Creation Museum in Kentucky took up most of our day. We arrived and put the dogs in the camper before heading in. We walked through the Museum first.
    I enjoyed walking through the garden of Eden.
    After having seen most of the spectacular museum we watched two movies. The first was a planetarium show about space and the Universe. The next was called Men in White, a comedy featuring two angels. Claire remembered the show from our last visit years ago.
    The museum was wonderful, but I was so busy taking it all in that I didn't spend much time taking pictures.
    As we were preparing to leave, a peacock came strolling into the parking lot. Mom, Claire and Jane had seen it in the gardens before, but I thought it was rather beautiful and very out of place. I took a picture.
    We left and drove for awhile before we stopped at a campground early. The weather was less than favorable and was the first of such that we have had for this entire trip. Cousin Bill and Ms. Gladys came to visit and we went out for dinner with them at Texas Road House.
     I just had a salad, but the dinner rolls were delicious! I loved whatever spread they came with. It was cinnamon-y tasting.
    Then we went back to Cousin Bill's house. As we drove, we witnessed yet another gorgeous sunset.
    It was fun to see Cousin Bill, Ms. Gladys and even the dogs Honey Bun and Heddy after a month.
    As we went to bed, I was aware somewhere in the back off my mind, it was the last night in the camper and Claire reminded us all before she went to sleep.
    I tried not to think about it for fear I wouldn't be able to sleep because of the anticipation and excitement it would bring. I had no trouble finding sleep and the day ended quietly.

Until Next Time,
    Katherine Rose

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