
Saturday, July 23, 2016

One Day

    I really, really don't like 7:15, especially when I am awake for it. I should be snuggled under my blankets dreaming about things I won't remember in the morning. Yesterday, however I was unloading hay at 7:15.
    It wasn't as hot so it wasn't really as bad. There were more of us on the wagon so I didn't have to do as much, which was also nice. We finished up and when Claire and I got back, Mom was making pancakes.
    After breakfast, I took a quick shower and realized I still had some time to burn before our Homeschool group's summer get together at the park (A.K.A the playdate). I settled into bed with my computer.
    On our way over to the park, we picked up Nathaniel and Nicole and jammed to some tunes. Nathaniel doesn't like country music. He doesn't like their twang apparently. He instead likes electronic music without words (Claire and I call this elevator music).
    When we got to the playdate, at first it was just us so we sort of hung out on the playground equipment and spun each other on the tire swing.
    Then Paige and Nathan showed up and we went over to the tennis courts to play tennis. Nathaniel had brought tennis balls and rackets with him. The team names were the best part in my opinion. My first team was "Crush It" and Claire and Paige made up the other team. They were going to be "Sunshine and Smiles", but Paige was not in favor. They were instead "The Optimist and The Pessimist".
    Another time I was playing on Paige's team and I had sort of lost track of the score. I looked over at Paige and said, "I'll just make up a score and have us be winning and hope they buy it."
    "That'll never work." Paige had stated firmly.

    "5-4! We're winning!" I called.
    Claire was skipping around on the other court looking preoccupied. She yelled back. "We know!"
    I smiled and Paige looked over at me with disbelief.

    We then played volleyball. That was relatively fun too. After that we played a couple rounds of  Heads Up  (the app), before heading back down to the pavilion where the parents were located. Paige and Nathan had to leave and Paige was excited because it was supposed to storm and she needed bad weather driving for her permit.
    The rest of us basically talked away the last part of the playdate. We left and dropped Nicole and Nathaniel at their house before heading over to the discount store.
    We came home and watched Zootopia. It was a pretty good movie and I think they did a nice job with building the plot. For the sake of those who haven't yet watched it, I won't reveal the whole movie.
    Our day ended. Exhausted, we all went to bed.

Until Next Time,
    Katherine Rose

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