
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stepping Back Into Daily Life

    Lots of people hate Mondays. I don't especially mind them. Probably because I'm homeschooled, but the fact of Mondays is they're a day of recuperation around here. Like the reset button after the week is done.
    We have plenty of work to do in the coming week. We have a sufficient amount of time to accomplish it.
    Since we don't usually do a lot outside of the house on Mondays, I usually steal that time to slow down and get my things here at the house back in order.
    My Monday was actually a nice one this week. I woke up late, but that could be the side effect of staying up late.
    The beginning of the day was average, but towards the end of it we got invited to go swimming at Paige and Nathan's Grandparent's house. I am used to their pool being freezing cold, that doesn't stop me from swimming in it, but this time I was pleasantly surprised. The water was like bath water.
    We did an assortment of things in the pool including playing an amped up version of monkey in the middle for probably an hour or so. The sky proceeded to darken, but none of us really noticed until we were called to get out because it was 9:30 at night!
    Claire drove us home. She was very chipper as she explained that she would be giving herself night hours for her permit. Then she added that she really had never driven in the dark before; only at dusk. That was not reassuring at all, but she did fine. 
    We got home and I read a bit before calling it a night. I hope you all had a wonderful Monday.
Until Next Time,
    Katherine Rose

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