
Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

    I wanted to say a little bit about Christmas traditions.  We all probably cherish some.  As the years march on more traditions are added to the old and eventually some of the older ones are forgotten.
    A special Christmas tradition for me is receiving a pair of pajama's from my mother Christmas eve.  We unwrap as we are getting ready for bed and wear them that night, then we all listen as my mother reads us The Night Before Christmas.
    Some Christmas traditions are passed down from generation to generation, dear to the hearts of everyone in the family.
    Special traditions, however valued they may be, do not make up the holiday we celebrate. Christmas is a time, of giving and a time of loving and a time of remembering our Savior's birth.
    The greatest tradition of all is that 2000 years after God sent His Son to live among us we still rejoice and anticipate Him coming again.
Merry Christmas!

Until next time,


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