
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. It's officially summer (in the northern hemisphere anyway). Which summer month is best and why?
    August. I don't know why, but this month has always been my favorite summer month. It's still hot, there is no school and I have spent plenty of memorable evenings in August. Memories of my sisters and my laughter, mingling with the smell of fresh cut grass.

2. Can you swim? How did you learn? June 27th is National Sunglasses Day. How many pair do you own?
    I can swim. My mom decided that we should learn in case we were to be in a situation where we would have to know how. Thus came the bubble suit. My mother bought us a float suit when we where very young and each time we went swimming and I guess mastered something she removed a bubble from the suit. When finally all the bubbles were gone, we could swim.
    I own one pair of pink sunglasses and you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you how many people have worn them before.

3. What characteristic do you judge most harshly in yourself? How about in others?
    The characteristics I judge most harshly in myself are:
    1. Taking it to far
    2. Being annoying
    3. Using the wrong sense of humor
    The characteristics I judge most harshly in others:
    1. Lying

    2. Cheating
    3. Rudeness

4. Robert Frost wrote the now well known poem entitled The Road Not Taken. What's a road (literal or figurative) you've always wanted to travel, and where do you hope it takes you? 
    I would like to travel on the road that leads up to Saint-Pie Quebec, Canada. I think it's very obvious where that leads.

5. Popsicles-yay or nay? If you answered yay, what's your favorite flavor? 
    Most of the time nay. Occasionally, I will eat one, but they are so cold and sticky and most of them just taste like ice.

6. Brexit-on a scale of 1-10 how knowledgeable are you on what's involved here? (1=very knowledgeable and 10=what's Brexit) Is this news you'll follow or is it something you think won't impact your life in any way shape or form?
    10. I have to say I have never heard of this. However, I looked it up on bing and I would say that it probably won't affect me too much.

7. Share a favorite song on your summer play list.
     House Party by Sam Hunt. I just discovered this and I have a feeling it will make a few more appearances in the coming weeks of summer and probably long after that.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
    I wonder who figured out they could eat onions. Did someone just cut one open and say, "Wow this thing is making my eyes water, I think I'll eat it!" And who named onions anyway. I mean who just randomly comes up with the word "onion"?

Until Next Time,
    Katherine Rose


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  3. I didn't realize till after I wrote this that you were answering questions from someone else's blog, not soliciting answers to these questions for your blog, but here are my answers anyway, for what they're worth:

    1. June is the best summer month, because summer is my favorite season, so in June, it’s just begun: all my hopes and dreams for the summer are still possible. I always want to go back to the beginning of summer.

    2. I can swim. I taught myself the summer of 1973 when I was nine in the wading pool at our apartment complex because there was a FOUR-YEAR-OLD girl there who could swim, so surely I could do it, too! Once I was able to put my face in the water, everything was easier. By the end of the summer, I was able to swim underwater in the shallow end of the Real Pool. No more life jacket for me! But when I tried to take the swimming test the next year that would allow me to dive off the diving board, the lifeguard made me take it above water! I could do it, but my feet weren’t up, so she accused me of walking along the bottom and made me get out. She wouldn’t listen when I said the water was over my head there, so I couldn’t possibly have been walking! I overheard my younger friend say proudly to the lifeguard, “I’m 8 and she’s 10; I could and she couldn’t.” I was so humiliated and angry at the injustice of it all. But then we got a new lifeguard, and she let me dive off the edge in the shallow end and swim underwater, and I passed the test no problem. However, I didn’t learn real strokes until seventh grade in a required swimming gym class.

    I own one pair of sunglasses, but I often borrow a random pair that no one seems to own for bike rides so I don’t have to get into my car to get my sunglasses and risk forgetting to put them back and not having them when I need them. But the random pair vanished recently.

    3. The characteristics I judge most harshly in myself are pessimism, cowardice, and a too-strong need for approval. The characteristic I judge most harshly in others is a nonsensical worldview. For example, when people think it’s wrong to be judgmental judge something I say as judgmental and then judge me for being judgmental. Or when people claim that all worldviews are equal but criticize my worldview, because I don’t believe all worldviews are equal. Or people who claim to be open-minded who will only hang out with people who close-mindedly agree with their idea of open-mindedness. Or people who claim to be tolerant who only tolerate people who tolerate exactly what they tolerate.

    4. A Road Not Taken: I always regret not having tried out for school plays, and I always wondered what it would be like to be on TV or in the movies. However, the more I hear and see about Hollywood, the more I believe mainstream acting is a road to Hell. People are not meant to be worshipped, and it messes with your mind and makes you feel entitled and invincible. So many child stars kill themselves. So many Hollywood stars divorce. So many of their kids get messed up. So many stars OD or commit suicide. Would I have survived unscathed? Or would so many things that I know are wrong seem right when surrounded by so many who disagree?

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  5. 5. I like Popsicles, but I’m not crazy about them. If I’m going to have a cold treat, there should be ice cream and lots of chocolate candies involved.

    6. Brexit. As an old grownup, I am embarrassed admit to being a 9, to have simply find out one day that this was happening without having heard about it before. I’m also embarrassed that I haven’t dug more deeply into it to see what’s really going on. From what I have heard, it seems pretty serious; the stock market has fallen in response to it. I like that they decided to no longer be part of something that was taking their freedom. Some people wonder if this will give Texas the strength to leave the US. If that happens, it would be tempting to move to Texas, since it seems they want to keep things the American way more so than the rest of the US, and I don’t like either candidate for president.

    7. Favorite Song from Summer Playlist: I haven’t been that interested in singing or listening to music lately, so I don’t have one. Though “Bless the Lord, O My Soul (10,000 Reasons)” has been going through my mind the most often and consistently.

    8. Random thought: First a response to your random thought: I must say I have wondered the same thing about olives and cranberries. It seems like so much work to make them edible, and then, not that many people like them, so what made people decide to eat them? Was there simply so little to eat and so many of those things that people said, “Well, here they are and we’re hungry. Let’s figure out a way to eat them.” Or what if these things started out at the dawn of time tasting really good and people had always eaten them, but as time went on, the taste degenerated, but people just kept adding ingredients and methodologies to keep them edible. Same with onions. In the book _Holes_ by Louis Sachar, Onion Sam’s onions were rather sweet.

    My own random thought: It would be interesting to switch bodies with someone to determine what part of us is actually our unique soul-selves that will exist for all time and what part of us is actually determined by the particular chemicals and hormones and perspectives coming from the physical part of our bodies and brains. For example, men are supposedly more aggressive than women. If I traded bodies with a man, would I become more aggressive and him more passive, or would everyone say to him, “Why have you become such a wimp?” while everyone would wonder why my physical body just bellowed at someone and smacked them for no good reason.


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