
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your summer so far? Why?
(1=eh and 10=best summer ever)

    Let's go with 8. I mean my summer has been fabulous! (I just don't like to rate things very high). The best part of my summer is that it's not over and there is still time to do all the things that I want to do.

2. July 26th is National Aunts and Uncles Day. Did you have many aunts and uncles growing up? Were you especially close to any one or maybe all of them? Are you an aunt? (or uncle for the men who join here on Wednesdays) Share a favorite memory relating to one of your own aunts or uncles or relating to a niece or nephew who call you Aunt (or Uncle).

    I am closer with my Mom's side of the family. Growing up I was close with plenty of my Aunts and Uncles, but not majorly close. A fun memory would be going to my Aunt and Uncles house for the fourth of July.

3. What's your favorite food dipped in chocolate? What's your favorite food dipped in cheese?

    Every food is better with chocolate. Well, maybe not onions, but most foods are better with chocolate. I'm not really a huge fan of dipping stuff in cheese though. Maybe,
dipping nachos in cheese on occasions.

4. When were you last astonished by something? Explain.

    I can't think of a particularly astonishing time. So, how about how astonishingly lame the jokes are on the popsicle sticks.

5. Surf board, paddle board, ironing board, Pinterest board, score board, clip board, bulletin board...which board have you most recently encountered?

    A clip board. I was getting my physical for sports this year and I just so happened to use a clip board to write down all my information.

6. What's your favorite story from scripture? Why that story?

    I like the story of Jacob. Maybe, just because in my Sunday school class we studied it in depth and I guess I like it more, because I understand it better.

7. If you were to travel from the east coast to the west coast in your own country, which five cities would you most want to see?

    Probably zero. I don't really like cities. Too many people, not enough fresh air.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

    Yesterday night I finally finished the rest of my book! It's kind of weird how many words a person must use in just one day. It's strange how humans communicate simply by using sounds a person makes in a certain order.
    Some of those sounds are offensive and others are flattering. Most just understand that this is the way life works, but imagine if suddenly nobody could form words! The world would become chaotic in a very short amount of time.
Until Next Time,
    Katherine Rose

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