
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Update On My Life

    Sorry I haven't written in a while :/ Today I am going to try and bring you up to date on my life. Last week I went to a Church camp. It was a ton of fun. I met some new people and hung out with some old friends.
    Two distinct memories I have are:

    The Counselor Hunt- The object of the game was to find all the counselors and ask them the questions on the sheet. We were only allowed to ask them one question, so if we didn't know who they were, we couldn't ask.
    I had no idea who anyone was and the girls I was paired with didn't really know very many people either. We were wandering around when Ryan came out of the camp nurse office limping. He had apparently hurt his ankle and he wasn't quite sure who or where his team was.
    We put him on our team and he knew just about everyone there. Once he greeted a counselor by asking, "How's it go?"
    The Counselor smiled and replied "good". Then we realized we weren't aloud to ask him anymore questions. Luckily, he let another one of our teammates ask him the designated question. We didn't win, but I had a good time.

    The Hacky Sacks- Another camp had left behind Hacky Sacks. Claire said a three year old had found one the first day and she had told him to leave it where it was. One of the counselors found it and some of the boys were playing with it. Somehow, it ripped open and they decided to patch it with tape. Francis patched it up and the boys continued to play with it.
    As we were cleaning up on the last day, a girl from my cabin found a ripped, taped up Hacky Sack and she threw it away saying it was mostly because the clown on the front  was scaring her. As we continued to clean, I found another Hacky Sack in the weeds along with more garbage.
    I have found that people prefer to throw their garbage in the weeds as opposed to in the open. This doesn't make any sense, because if you are going to litter you might as well make it convenient for the people that are going to have to pick it up.
    Anyway, I remembered that my friend had thrown away the Hacky Sack and I saw Francis, so I threw him the Hacky Sack and throughout the rest of the day, I played briefly with the Hacky Sack and it happened to provide a lot of enjoyment for me.
    I do not know what happened to the second Hacky Sack, but I have the feeling I won't be seeing it again.
    I look forward to the camp again next year. Soccer has been continuing and I think I am either going to get in shape or die trying.
    Practice has been moved to the evenings, but it doesn't really help. I appreciate being able to sleep in, but now I spend most of my day dreading practice.
    I drew three more pictures and stuck them to my wall. I want to learn how to draw a human face, I have made a few attempts, but all of them still need some work.

    I guess that's about it.

Until Next Time,
    Katherine Rose

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